Our Committee
What does the committee do?
A Committee manages the Skircoat Green & Haigh Lane Allotments & Garden Association. The Committee consists of 12 association members, including the officer roles of President, Chair, vice-chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Minutes Secretary.
The Committee and officers are elected annually at the allotment AGM (held in January at the Parish Hall).
The Association’s members have paid the current year’s membership fee and rent at least one allotment plot.
The Committee’s purpose is:
- To rent suitable land from Calderdale MBC and to re-let the same land to Members of the Association and achieve full compliance with all terms and conditions of the site Tenancy Agreement.
- Effectively managing the site sublet in allotment plots to Members of the Association for Allotment gardening.
- Offer members the opportunity to grow vegetables, fruit and flowers.
- Establish and maintain harmonious relationships amongst members and the local community bordering the site.
- The continuation of the existence of the Association and its operation for the benefit of its members.
- The preservation and improvement of the fertility of the soil of each allotment plot and management of the site in an environmentally friendly way.
- Foster links with other like-minded organisations.
- The Association shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion and will operate an equal opportunities policy. (See Appendix 2)
The Committee’s responsiblities are:
- Know and understand the Rules of the Association and ensure that they are followed.
- Manage the Association finances, including the collection of Members’ rents and payment to the Landlord
- Communicate with Members
- Hold the Annual General Meeting and monthly committee meetings
- Uphold duty of care for members’ well-being on site.
- Maintain records
- Foster links with other like-minded organisations and voluntary and community sector groups.
- Facilitate site maintenance site including:
- Water supply
- Mowing of grass tracks
- Meeting hut, stores hut, garage, woodchip bay and manure bay
- Regular supply of woodchip and manure
- Maintain tools, e.g. mowers, strimmer, wheel barrows, apple press, etc.

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon

Vice chair
Responsibilities to follow soon

My responsibilities include:
- General management of allotment funds and financial well-being
- Preparing annual accounts statement for the AGM held in January each year
- Current account and deposit account management including banking money received
- Maintaining a spreadsheet detailing money in and out
- Accurate record-keeping of bank statements, expenses, utilities, insurance, council rents, etc
- Collection of site rents via liaison with the Secretary
- Paying site rent twice yearly to Calderdale Council
- Ensuring an adequate current account balance is kept to cover upcoming bills
- Monitoring water and electricity usage, providing readings at least twice yearly to utility companies
- Reimbursing Committee Members for any expenses or stock purchases

Responsibilities to follow soon

Minutes Secretary
Minutes Secretary
- Producing committee meeting agenda at the Chair’s request
- Sending email to committee advising meeting date and time with attached agenda
- Attending committee meeting, taking minutes, transcribing and sending out to all committee members in a timely fashion
- Filing copy of minutes in the minute book kept in the meeting hut
- Producing agenda for the AGM and sending to all plotholders in advance of the meeting with a copy of the previous year’s minutes
- Attending the AGM, taking minutes, transcribing and sending out to all plotholders
Disseminating Information to Plotholders
- Producing and maintaining the plotholders’ mailing list which is updated by the lettings secretary
- Forwarding information in emails produced and received from committee members
- Producing and sending out general information as requested by committee members
Annual Produce Show
- Producing a check list for the Annual Show
- Liaising with the committee and arranging listed responsibilities
- Contacting the judge and arranging payment
- Keeping laminated class numbers for table displays
- Collecting cups from last year’s winners
- Buying prizes
- Checking winners’ certificates
- Arranging raffle and buying prizes
- Checking refreshments organised
- Organising for committee members to accompany the judge and populate the winners’ schedule
Apple Day
- Once date decided, liaising with the committee and arranging responsibilities
- Arranging raffle and buying prizes
- Arranging for children’s activities
- Checking refreshments covered
Other responsibilities as a committee member
Committee Members

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon

Responsibilities to follow soon